In the Summer of 2016 David Brownstein took a "Jewish Roots" trip to Vilnius (Vilna) Lithuania, Belarus, and Prague. Inspired by the discovery that his DNA was 94% Askenazi he wanted to know what it would feel like to return to places where his grandparents were forced to leave as children: "These were the places they were from and might have been born” he says, “but while visiting we were essentially the only Jews in town.”
The song “What To Say To A Ghost” was written during his trip to Eastern Europe and recorded the following year in Barcelona. This presentation will showcase the music video together with images David shot during his travels and will be followed by the stories behind the photographs and amazing people featured in the video. The vast majority of American Jews are descendants of these areas yet we have little understanding of the “old country.” Take a short visit to the past and present.
Born in New York and now living in Los Angeles, David Brownstein is an award-winning film-maker, music producer, songwriter, photographer and executive coach.